Beer Consumption

Irish Most Likely To hit The Pub

Do you prefer to sip a nice cold beer on your sofa on a Saturday night or would you rather head out to the pub with your friends? A report from The Brewers of Europe has found that on-trade/off-trade beer consumption varies hugely across Europe. Ireland which is famous for its pub culture comes first for on-trade beer consumption. It's well known that a pint of Guinness from the can just can't compete with a fresh draught pint in the pub. On top of that, the pub is an important social aspect of culture across the country. 66 percent of Irish beer consumption occurs in the pub while only 34 percent happens at home.

Elsewhere in Europe, Spain and Portugal have very high rates of on-trade consumption at 64 and 63 percent respectively. Off-trade just about edges it in the UK at 52 percent compared to on-trade's 48 percent. People in France, Germany and Poland are far less likely to head out to the pub with on-trade consumption coming to 20 percent or less.


This chart shows on-trade/off-trade beer consumption in selected European countries in 2016.

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