iPad Remains the Number 1 Tablet in the U.S.

According to a May 2013 survey by Frank N. Magid Associates, 44 percent of the U.S. online population owns a tablet. Despite growing competition from Android tablets and from its smaller brother, the full-sized iPad remains the most popular tablet in American households. 53 percent of American tablet owners own Apple’s flagship tablet.

The second most popular tablet in the U.S. is Amazon's Kindle Fire, which is owned by 31 percent of the 1,068 tablet owners in the survey. Apple's iPad mini ranked fourth behind Samsung's Galaxy tablets but in front of Google’s highly acclaimed line of affordable Nexus tablets. Microsoft's Surface tablets have yet to make an impression on U.S. consumers, as only 5 percent of tablet owners call one of Microsoft's Windows 8 tablets their own.

Surprisingly, 32 percent of tablet owners claimed to own more than one device, indicating that different tablets might be used for different purposes.


This chart shows the results of a May 2013 survey among American tablet owners regarding their tablets of choice.

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