UN Tribunal in The Hague

Former Serb General Mladic Sentenced to Life in Prison

The International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) in The Hague has announced its verdict against Ratko Mladić, who was commander of the Bosnian Serb Army (VRS) from 1992 until 1996. He was was found guilty of 10 of the 11 charges and sentenced to life in prison on Wednesday.

The tribunal found him guilty of being responsible for the genocide against Muslim Bosnians in Srebrenica in mid-July 1995, when 8,000 boys and men were killed. Another count of genocide was dropped. The trial had begun in May 2012.

So far, the special United Nations tribunal has indicted 161 persons in connection with crimes committed during the wars in former Yugoslavia. Proceedings against 155 have been concluded, of which 84 were sentenced (including Mladic). Proceedings are currently ongoing for 6 accused.


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