
The worst counties for drink driving convictions

Over the last ten years, the Irish county with the highest rate of drink driving convictions was Monaghan - and by some margin. In that period, over four percent of licences had at least one such conviction.

This infographic was featured in an extensive piece by Cianan Brennan at The Journal.


This charts shows the share of driving licences that had a drink driving conviction between 2007 and April 2017, by Irish county.

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Finland: development of drunk driving offenses 1960-2022
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Number of Canadian deaths in road crashes due to drunk driving 1996-2021
Number of solved drunk driving offenses in Finland 2013-2023
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Share of Canadian deaths in road crashes due to drunk driving 1996-2021
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Number of fatal traffic accidents involving drunk driving in Japan 2014-2023
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Number of traffic accidents involving drunk driving in Japan 2014-2023

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