Downloads of encrypted messaging apps Telegram and Signal have grown rapidly since the Russian invasion of Ukraine. As this infographic using data from Sensor Tower illustrates, Signal in particular has seen a massive increase in popularity in Ukraine, and to a lesser but still significant extent in Russia. Mobile app users in the two countries, looking for a way to communicate in privacy since the war began, have clearly flocked to these services and others like them, as well as apps offering VPN access.
As described by the source: "Although Telegram saw more installs in both Ukraine and Russia, Signal led in terms of growth. In Ukraine, Signal’s downloads surged 1,075 percent to 787,000 between Feb. 24 and Mar. 20 from 67,000 in the prior period; in Russia, the app experienced 286 percent growth to 425,000— up from 110,000."
Continuing: "The mobile market provides a snapshot of user concerns and behaviors, and while it might not be a full picture, it offers a glimpse into what consumers value and need. In this case, it’s the ability to communicate freely during a turbulent time—one when more mainstream options they’re accustomed to have also become limited."