Global net sales of Tiffany & Co. 2011-2019
Jewelry Retail Market Worldwide
The global jewelry industry seems poised for a glittering future as consumer appetite for jewelry, which was dampened by the global recession, now appears more voracious than ever. The jewlery market is personified by stifling competition. The sector sways between inexpensive jewelry pieces for daily wear, to special items like engagement rings and watches meant for celebrating special events, to investment pieces priced and sold similarly to antique pieces and fine art.
Tiffany & Company is one of the leading players in the jewelry industry. The company's merchandise offerings include jewelry, timepieces, sterling silverware, china, crystal, stationery, fragrances and accessories. Tiffany is one of the leading brand names in the fine jewelry market and as a result, is one of the world's premier jewelry designers and retailers.