Power your applications with trusted survey data

Leverage unaggregated survey data in your application. Access respondent level survey data from 3.000,000+ consumer interviews in 50+ countries, 500+ industries, and for 15.000+ brands. Supercharge your applications with tailored survey data for in-depth analyses and granular consumer insights.

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Solutions for a variety of data needs

Your AI tools

Power your AI tools with real-world survey data for your countries and industries of interest.

Your custom dashboards

Create custom dashboards that display consumer data like brand KPIs or advertising touchpoints.​

Merge your data

Combine Statista's survey data with your survey data by statistical matching to get a 360-degree view.​

Academic research

Do statistical analysis or build predictive models with Satista's respondent level survey data.​


See every consumer, know every choice

  • Pay for what you need

Compose the data to your needs and slice by survey, country, industry, and period of time.

  • Fast delivery in any format

Get the data within days of your order in .json, .csv, .sav or any other supported data format.

  • Quarterly updates

Opt for up to quarterly updates to your respondent level survey data extracts and always be up-to-date.

Ready to power your business?

If you are interested, please fill out this this form to contact us.