Veera Korhonen is the research expert responsible for covering society topics in the United States of America, including demographics, education, religion, and crime and law enforcement. She holds an MSc in Social Policy and Research and has previous experience working for the U.S. Department of State as well as several non-governmental organizations.
Research expert
Veera Korhonen
Research expert covering United States data for society
Latest publishings
- E-learning and digital education - Statistics & Facts
Society - Religious trends in the United States - statistics & facts
Society - Property crime in the U.S. - Statistics & Facts
Crime & Law Enforcement - Poverty and income in the United States - statistics & facts
Society - Activism in the United States - statistics & facts
Resident population of the United States by sex and age as of July 1, 2023 (in millions) Gun laws in the United States in 2024, by state Resident population of the U.S. in 2024, by state (including the District of Columbia) (in millions) Number of people killed by police in the United States from 2013 to 2024* Number of persons obtaining legal permanent resident status in the United States from FY 1820 to FY 2023
Veera Korhonen
Research expert covering United States data for society
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