Countries with the highest quality of electricity supply 2019
Countries with the highest quality of electricity supply – additional information
In today’s culture, many people cannot imagine life without electricity. It has become a global necessity and a part of the everyday life of many people. Life without electricity is almost impossible - it can be difficult and slow. The importance of electricity can be seen throughout various fields of human activity: engineering, communication and transport, entertainment, and surgery. We often forget how heavily we rely on electricity, even for small and relatively insignificant activities in our daily lives.
The world’s electricity consumption has steadily risen in the last decades from 7.32 trillion kilowatt hours in 1980 to 21.8 trillion kilowatt hours in 2016. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA), Canada and the United States were the two countries with the highest electricity consumption per capita in 2017.
Despite our reliance, many populations suffer from electricity supplies that may be unreliable and/or poor in quality. The number of people who did not have access to electricity is significantly higher in developing Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. More than 260 million people living in India were not connected to the main electricity grid. Even though South Sudan reported a high rate of population growth, it was the country with the lowest access to electricity in 2016. Slightly more than five percent of the population had access to electricity.