U.S. retail price of navel oranges 1995-2024
In 2024, the retail price of navel oranges was about 1.56 U.S. dollars per pound in the United States. Compared to 20 years earlier, the average rate for this citrus fruit has increased considerably.
Bananas and grapes
The retail price for bananas and seedless grapes has had a somewhat rockier track record over the past 25 years. Starting at 45 U.S. cents in 1995, the price of bananas per pound reached its peak in 2008, with 62 cents. In 2021, bananas cost consumers an average of 63 U.S. cents per pound, returning to the price peak of thirteen years prior. In recent years, the retail price of seedless Thompson grapes had decreased: the price stood at roughly 3 U.S. dollars per pound in 2014 and dropped to approximately 2.24 U.S. dollars in 2021.
Sales growth of fresh fruit
In 2021, sales of limes increased by roughly 17.6 percent in the United States, making it the type of fresh fruit that experienced the highest rate of sales growth that year. Melons, berries, and pineapples were some of the other fruit types that experienced growth in the United States, while sales percentages for avocados and peaches decreased slightly compared to the previous year.