Total fertility rate of Turkey 1900-2020
In 1900, the fertility rate in turkey was just over 6.9 children per woman, meaning that the average woman born in Turkey in that year could expect to have approximately seven children over the course of their reproductive years. This figure would see little change for much of the first half of the 20 th century, falling only to 6.7 children by 1945. However, the fertility rate in Turkey would begin to see dramatic change in the years following the Second World War, as fertility would initially rise in the post-war, global baby boom, only to begin rapidly falling as Turkey began to modernize and access to contraception became more widespread in the country. Fertility would fall the fastest in the 1980s, as Turkey would experience high levels of urbanization and improvements in access to education for women. As a result of these developments, the fertility rate in Turkey would fall to approximately 2.6 children per woman by the turn of the century. This trend would continue steadily into the 21st century, and in 2020, Turkey has a (roughly) replacement-level fertility rate of 2.1 children per woman.