Number of users of eSports in France 2017-2027

Number of users of eSports in France from 2017 to 2027

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Supplementary notes

Data provided by Statista Market Insights are estimates.

The Esports market encompasses the revenues and users from professional competitive gaming content. Incorporated in this definition are any professional and semi-professional gaming competitions from tournaments or leagues that offer a championship title or prize money. The Esports market covers revenues generated from the markets Sponsorship & Advertising, Merchandise & Ticketing, Streaming, Media Rights, and Publisher Fees.

Not included in the Esports market are amateur competitions, streaming revenues of non-organized competitive gaming, digital and physical sales from video games, revenues from digital tools associated with Esports (e.g. Teamspeak or Discord), and revenues from online gambling and betting on Esport games.

All monetary figures refer to the annual gross revenue.

Detailed definitions can be found in the individual market markets.

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